Frequently asked questions
Do you provide the lights?
Our services are all inclusive. We provide the lights, cut them specifically to your home, maintain them through the holidays, and take them down come the end of the season as well as store them until next year.
I already have lights, how much is it to hang them?
We only hang our professional grade Christmas lights, we will not use any materials you already have.
When will you install?
We begin taking reservations in Spring/Summer, start scheduling for October and book into late November. We’ll provide you with a specific week you can expect us to come by and we’ll give you a guaranteed day 1-2 days prior, but our schedule is subject to change. Please note you do not need to be home.
What if something happens?
Our services are all inclusive. We do not want you to have to lift a finger. If a bulb goes out, a strand comes down, or something just doesn’t look right, please let us know as soon as possible. We will be out within 24 hours to make it right.
How does scheduling and payment work?
Scheduling preferences are on a seniority basis. We know nobody wants their lights up in October, but it’s the only option to fit all our projects into the short installation window we have. We take an upfront deposit of 50% at the time of invoicing and the final 50% is due upon the completion of the installation. Please note, you are not on our schedule until your service agreement is signed and your deposit is made.
How much does this cost?
Every home is different. Please fill out our estimate form and we’ll get back to you with some designs as well as price estimates. Please note that our minimum is $500, and our average residential project is $1,500+.
How much will it be after the first year?
Our prices increase every year for new customers. As a current customer however, we guarantee that the only time your price will ever increase is if you decide to add to your display.